Analog Preamps for Mics and Instruments

Analog Preamps for Mics and Instruments
Here is a list of analog preamps (audio signal preamplifiers) for microphone, line level and instrument signals. Matching microphones with a variety of preamps can yield different results as to the sound being captured. There are tube and solid state preamps. There are so called “clean” and “color” preamps. There are also channel strips which are preamps with built in signal processing such as compression, shelving/filter EQ (equalizers). Instruments such as keyboards and bass guitars can be plugged in directly to preamps with line and instrument level inputs (sort of a direct injection (DI) mode). Sound Weavers offers a variety of analog preamps for you to weave your sonic visions into reality.
Great River MP2NV. 2 Channels of solid state preamps renowned for their clarity and headroom. With DI. Great for “warming up” and “exciting” the harmonics of already recorded tracks. Classic circuitry and vintage sound of the Neve 1073 module to a new level of modern sonic fidelity. Accuracy, transparency, and vintage “tuning” amplify this design goal.
AEA TRP2 (The Ribbon Preamp). 2 channels of matching preamp for ribbon mics.
Universal Audio 2-610. 2 Channels of tube circuit preamps that trace its lineage from the Universal Audio 610 console. With DI. With High and Low EQs. Has phase reverse option, too. I will need lots of pages to describe the sound of this preamp, as well as its applications. One thing I will say though is one can never go wrong with this preamp on vocals, acoustic guitar, bass and mic’ing guitar cabinets, drum overheads.
API 512C (4 channels). API 512C channel preamp on API lunchbox. Traditional API fully discrete circuit design that uses the famous API 2520 Op-Amp. With DI. API stands for Automated Processes, Inc.
Purple Audio BIZ mic preamp (3 channels). A lovely purple colored preamp great with ribbon mics and fantastic on just about any source from quite vocals and acoustic guitars to pounding snare drums. A unique sounding, three amplifier, discrete microphone preamp module. Lundahl and Cinemag transformers.
Sytek MPX-4Aii. 4 channel super clean preamp from the makers of Neotek ELAN console. Transformerless for super clean sound and fast response. Channels 3 and 4 has BurrBrown op amps for a more tube-like sound and response. Lots of GAIN for low level input sources such as ribbon mics.
Summit Audio 2BA-221. Single channel preamp with variable mic impedance control and a separate tube (12AX7A/ECC83) and solid state output. Great on guitar cabs and vocals.
Vintech x73 is a class A, all discrete, transformer balanced microphone preamplifier with equalizer. It is built with the same circuit design and components as the classic Neve 1073 module. Fantastic recreation of the incredibly sought after Neve 1073 mic preamp and EQ. Check your tracks through the x73 if the classic Neve sound is what you are after.
Vintech X81. Vintech Audio “X81 Class A” features the same great microphone preamplifier as X73, but with a more comprehensive four band equalizer with “Q” adjustments on the two mid range frequencies. We utilize the same class A amplifier designs found in the Neve 1073 module throughout our X81 Class A. The equalizer section features ten low mid frequency points, 10 hi mid frequencies, 5 frequecy choices on both the low and high shelving adjustments. There is also a high pass filter, a D.I. and an ouput strength meter.
A Designs Pacifica P1. Based on the Pacifica, inspired by the Quad Eight sound. Features a -20dB Pad, Phase, 48v Phantom, Cast aluminum knob, Custom Wound Transformers (input and output). The Pacifica has smoothness and richness without over saturation, nor over-coloration, and as a result retains a spectacular amount of detail and high end openness. While it is true to its 1970’s heritage, this preamp has a much more usable modern transparency, detail, and noise floor.
A Designs EM Gold. 500 series preamp by Eric Montessi.
Chandler Germanium. Preamp powered by germanium transistor for gain/feedback. Thick sounds! Think crunchy present sounds (hint: Abbey Road).
Shadow Hills GAMA (2 channels). Mic preamplifier with 60DB gain range: reverse audio taper pot (stepped pot and St. Ives transformer options available), 3 transformer positions: Nickel, Discrete, Steel, Phase reverse, PAD, 1/4″ DI, bakelight knobs, Illuminated display, discrete Class A/B.
Brent Averil 1073 MPL. Classic 1073 Neve preamp, same components including Carnhill transformer.
Focusrite Red1 (2 channels). 500 series preamp forged from Focusrite Red series pedigree.
Grace Designs M501. Super clean preamp, transformerless.
Related links:
– Studio microphones (condensers, tubes, dynamics, ribbon)
– Processors, Dynamics, Compressor, Equalizers EQ, Limiters & Effects Delay