Snare and Drum Mics Miking Joey Jordison

Kick drum. The kick drum that we used for this session is a stock 22″X16″ Pearl Export ELX series drum. The batter head is an EVANS EMAD Clear. The resonant headis the stock that Pearl but we punched a hole through it. There was one pillow inside the kick. The kick beater was felt. Micing a kick or bass drum can be as simple or intricate depending on the target kick drum sound. Taking the drum elements our of the equation, there’s microhone selection and microphone placement that will determine what kind of kick drum sound one will achieve. For these examples, we opted for the most common bass drum mic positioning which is inside the kick drum pointed at the beater, about 6 to 8 inches away. Due to the tight spot inside the kick drum, the position of these mics definitely affected the final sound – on top of the sonic character of the mics. We wrapped the kick in a blanket to minimize bleed of other parts of the drum kit.
Direct Kick drum mics .
- AKG D112 dynamic mic to UAD 2-610 tube
- Electro Voice RE-20 dynamic mic to Vintech Audio X81
- Shure Beta52 dynamic to Vintech Audio X73
- Blue Kickball dynamic mic to Summit Audio 2BA-221tube
Photo of microphones inside kick drum (bass drum)
Now that you’re heard the individual kick and snare drums through a variety of mics, listen to the sound of the entire drum kit as captured by the overhead microphones. Still using the same snare and kick drums, still the same drum performance.