Drawmer Dynamics. Limiter Compressor Gate.
I promised no more sound recording equipment purchases this year BUT this was too good of a deal to pass on….
8 channels of Drawmer dynamics processing.

DS404 Gate with external sidechain. DL 441 Limiter Compressor. I have long been eyeing these units for those drum tracking sessions that are under time pressure, oftentimes I wished I can gate individual drum parts (snare, hat, kick, toms) for a faster mixdown, now that can be done with the DS-404’s 4 channels of gating – complete with sidechain (not for every session, only when needed). The DL441 Compressor/Limiter is a high quality dynamics processor for studio recording, instant punch to tracks (just ahve to find the right setting)…

These are just tools, but high quality tools, and good to have tools that serve a purpose. Now, if only Jonathan can patch these onto the bay already, then it would be even easier to use them. Hello mon? Above Drawmer DS-404 and DL-441 are but a few of the top notch analog sound recording and processing equipment available at Sound Weavers recording studio. The Drawmers that I’d really like to have are the 1968 and 1969, though. Maybe I’ll get them in 2009.
Drawmer is a British professional audio company. Â
tags: Drawmer, Limiter, Compressor, Gate, Recording Studio
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