Voice Over, VoiceOver, VO Talents with the best Voices in English

We have great sounding voice talents for your voice over requirements in American English neutral accent and other regional accent variations. Looking for Tagalog and Filipino voice over?.
Our voice over productions are held at our state of the art recording facility where the pristine voice s of our talents are recorded using top of the line microphones such as the Neumann u87 through a variety of tube and solid state preamps and processors to a digital workstation with Pro Tools HD 7.4 (the same program used in Hollywood movies and sound productions).
We can deliver the voice over files in the various output formats (WAV, AIFF, MP3…) via FTP, e-mail attachments or CD-ROM via courier).
Our turnaround time is typically 48 hours for 1page scripts delivered via FTP or email attachments.
Below are samples of our voice talents on different script scenarios; from product advertisements on radio, game prompts and instructions, to character voices (dub, dubbing, dubbers) for television, TV and movies. We have taken out the background sound so that the actual voice qualities can be properly heard and evaluated. Click on the PLAY button to hear the voice over audio on your computer speakers.
American English accent (natural American English speaker) featuring scripts for financial, banking and payments services delivered in corporate tone and style.
We accept voice over projects from international clients from the USA, United Kingdom Britain to Hongkong, Australia, Europe, Japan and even Africa and South America. Just send the script and instructions via e-mail with easy and safe online payments via Paypal. Contact us for your voice over requirements through our online form or via e-mail.