Voice Over Talents Search and Audition

Are you an EXPERIENCED VOICE OVER TALENT already? Please send your voice samples and we will include you on our database for our voice over projects OR BETTER YET, contact us to schedule a demo recording for filing of your voice on our database. Use our Online Contact Form on the home page for any questions.
We are looking for Talents to fill Voice Over requirements for different projects such as Narration, Instructional and Dialog Replacement for local and international clients.
* Voice quality. Pleasant sounding voice.
* Excellent speaking skills. Clear diction, pronunciation, enunciation.
Interested candidates are requested to schedule an audition by sending us a message through our online contact form with the following information (WE WILL NOT RESPOND VIA SMS!).
- Name
- Sex
- Age
- Languages spoken. Accents?
- American English
- Neutral English
- British English
- English with Japanese accent
- English with Korean accent
During the Audition sessions, each candidate will be allotted 5 minutes total time to record examples of the languages they speak in various accents.
For qualified voice talents. The recorded voice samples will be added to our database of voice over talents so that they may be contacted for projects matching their voice, language and accent.
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